Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 Sofkill*

1. Singing from the same hymn sheet = banyak bicara tp tidak ada hasilnya / omong kosong
Contoh kalimat : Town hall staff have been banned from using the phrase 'singing from the same hymn sheet' because it could upset atheists.

2. Talk the talk, Walk the walk = totalitas dan konsisten
Contoh kalimat : a major investor Talk the Talk, Walk the walk in taking action and making decisions on her business.

3. The ellephant in the room = tidak puas
Contoh kalimat : an alleged the elephant in the room on the judge’s decision

4. Pass to the monkey = Rugi/bersifat licik
Contoh kalimat : Successful entrepreneurs see it pass to the monkey because its stock price broken down

5. All hands to the deck = pendukung
Contoh kalimat : an entrepreneur the property was can be successful because all hands to the deck

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ~ Sofkill

My First Experience Dealing With English

I got the lesson and studied England since I was in the primary school, I really so happy and really was enthusiastic to know in reading and writing the language inggris. I was also very happy the teacher who was very patient in teaching his pupils and I also took part in the English course to more understood more in the use of English that was good in speaking and wrote.

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ~ Sofkill~

The obstacle and Hope in studying English

My obstacles in studying English that is did not understand between menulis,berbicara, but also if studied like the increase said if making the sentence in the past, really now and I also had often memorised words. My hope only wanted to talk in English fluently and could carry out conversation in English in an other manner my friend and could help me in getting a work afterwards.