3 goods that can not be separated from me is:
1. blackberry phone because it is very important already communicating with friends, family, and quickly without having to surf to the cafe.
2. computer because right now I'm working on my thesis so any time at the computer typing thesis.
3. book because the book when it is important to read and add to the science and also writing a thesis.
Kamis, 28 Juni 2012
Senin, 23 April 2012
when I became director. I want ....
when I became director I wanted the end of the film is 3 friends together to build a school for children who are burdened from the desire of parents while they do not like the field is taken but because of parental coercion :)
factors that inspired the "3 IDIOTS"
Overall this film teaches us about freedom in thinking in education and the importance of pursuing the most important thing for us to maximize the potential within us. after that, the wealth and success will follow. people trying to earn money as much as possible but may not be happy because the job was not a field they love.
The inspiration film
I really liked the film "3 IDIOTS" because really inspired for the
spectator especially the student in the matter education. in this film
taught the importance of undergoing the matter that most was liked by
us, could do that was best for himself and the other person because
formal education did not guarantee the succes. do what you love and love what you do !
Generally, the person worked/efforts aimed at getting the
production/money, where this money will be used to satisfy the
Requirement for the Foundation (Food, clothes, and the House).
Afterwards the rest of them would ditabung. and I worked in a company to
use the capacity and my knowledge for the school, made me feel that I
was the useful person, made me find something that was new and studying
more, and made me become responsible.
Minggu, 22 April 2012
Agree or not y generation dominate workforce
i agreed because Generation Y assumes adults at work are on their side. They were raised by parents
who often acted more like friends and mentors. So Gen Y comes to the
negotiating table with unprecedented confidence about what kind of workplace they want.
Gen Y is different than previous generation workers in the following ways:
Gen Y is different than previous generation workers in the following ways:
- Gen Y uses modern tools and technologies, including software that's easily accessible and free from the Internet;
- Gen Y easily maintains their to-do lists, and priorities by synching with the PDAs and iPODs;
- Gen Y are not workaholics, and understand the relationship between a balanced life and productivity;
- Gen Y are more likely to love their jobs, because they change jobs more frequently, and stay in jobs that match their passions and talents;
- Gen Y has a continuing thirst for learning and personal growth;
- Gen Y wants to have new experiences, try new things, and be creative;
- Gen Y doesn't stay in jobs they don't like just to be comfortable and secure.
Baby boomer, x-gen, and y-gen
Baby Boomers - the "me" generation; "rock and roll" music gen.; ushered in the free love and societal "non-violent" protests which triggered violence; self righteous & self-centered; buy it now and use credit; too busy for much neighborly involvement yet strong desires to reset or change the common values for the good of all; the first TV generation; quite conversational & skilled vocal & writer advocates; poor on marital skills...the first divorce generation; begin "gay toleration"...AIDS begins and is first lethal infectious disease in the history of any culture on earth which was not subjected to any quarantine what-so-ever because of a beginning obsession of individual rights prevailing over the common good...especially if it is applicable to any type of minority group; optimistic, driven, team-oriented.
Generation X- raised by the career and money conscious Boomers amidst the societal disappointment over governmental authority and the Viet Nam war and the scoff-law attitudes coming out of the protest times; school problems about drugs; late to marry (after cohabitation) and quick to divorce...many single parents; are iconographic...clothes lables are large & shows of caring (turning out for a worthy-cause rally) are fully sufficient expressions (while government, charities, agencies will see to the work of it); want what they want and want it now but struggling to buy; conversationally shallow because relating consists of shared time watching video movies; short on loyalty & wary of commitment; all values are relative...must tolerate all peoples; self-absorbed and suspicious of all organization; computer generation; survivors as individuals; cautious; skeptical, unimpressed with authority, self-reliant.
Generation Y - Facebook, MySpace, SMS and other instant communication technologies may explain Generation Y's reputation for being peer oriented and for seeking instant gratification. Generation Y, like other generations, is shaped by the events, leaders, developments and trends of its time. Members of this generation are facing higher costs for higher education than previous generations.
Generation X- raised by the career and money conscious Boomers amidst the societal disappointment over governmental authority and the Viet Nam war and the scoff-law attitudes coming out of the protest times; school problems about drugs; late to marry (after cohabitation) and quick to divorce...many single parents; are iconographic...clothes lables are large & shows of caring (turning out for a worthy-cause rally) are fully sufficient expressions (while government, charities, agencies will see to the work of it); want what they want and want it now but struggling to buy; conversationally shallow because relating consists of shared time watching video movies; short on loyalty & wary of commitment; all values are relative...must tolerate all peoples; self-absorbed and suspicious of all organization; computer generation; survivors as individuals; cautious; skeptical, unimpressed with authority, self-reliant.
Generation Y - Facebook, MySpace, SMS and other instant communication technologies may explain Generation Y's reputation for being peer oriented and for seeking instant gratification. Generation Y, like other generations, is shaped by the events, leaders, developments and trends of its time. Members of this generation are facing higher costs for higher education than previous generations.
Senin, 26 Maret 2012
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 Sofkill*
1. Singing from the same hymn sheet = banyak bicara tp tidak ada hasilnya / omong kosong
Contoh kalimat : Town hall staff have been banned from using the phrase 'singing from the same hymn sheet' because it could upset atheists.
2. Talk the talk, Walk the walk = totalitas dan konsisten
Contoh kalimat : a major investor Talk the Talk, Walk the walk in taking action and making decisions on her business.
3. The ellephant in the room = tidak puas
Contoh kalimat : an alleged the elephant in the room on the judge’s decision
4. Pass to the monkey = Rugi/bersifat licik
Contoh kalimat : Successful entrepreneurs see it pass to the monkey because its stock price broken down
5. All hands to the deck = pendukung
Contoh kalimat : an entrepreneur the property was can be successful because all hands to the deck
1. Singing from the same hymn sheet = banyak bicara tp tidak ada hasilnya / omong kosong
Contoh kalimat : Town hall staff have been banned from using the phrase 'singing from the same hymn sheet' because it could upset atheists.
2. Talk the talk, Walk the walk = totalitas dan konsisten
Contoh kalimat : a major investor Talk the Talk, Walk the walk in taking action and making decisions on her business.
3. The ellephant in the room = tidak puas
Contoh kalimat : an alleged the elephant in the room on the judge’s decision
4. Pass to the monkey = Rugi/bersifat licik
Contoh kalimat : Successful entrepreneurs see it pass to the monkey because its stock price broken down
5. All hands to the deck = pendukung
Contoh kalimat : an entrepreneur the property was can be successful because all hands to the deck
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ~ Sofkill
My First Experience Dealing With English
I got the lesson and studied England since I was in the primary school, I really so happy and really was enthusiastic to know in reading and writing the language inggris. I was also very happy the teacher who was very patient in teaching his pupils and I also took part in the English course to more understood more in the use of English that was good in speaking and wrote.
I got the lesson and studied England since I was in the primary school, I really so happy and really was enthusiastic to know in reading and writing the language inggris. I was also very happy the teacher who was very patient in teaching his pupils and I also took part in the English course to more understood more in the use of English that was good in speaking and wrote.
Minggu, 25 Maret 2012
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ~ Sofkill~
The obstacle and Hope in studying English
My obstacles in studying English that is did not understand between menulis,berbicara, but also if studied like the increase said if making the sentence in the past, really now and I also had often memorised words. My hope only wanted to talk in English fluently and could carry out conversation in English in an other manner my friend and could help me in getting a work afterwards.
My obstacles in studying English that is did not understand between menulis,berbicara, but also if studied like the increase said if making the sentence in the past, really now and I also had often memorised words. My hope only wanted to talk in English fluently and could carry out conversation in English in an other manner my friend and could help me in getting a work afterwards.
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